DICOM Datasets

Here is a list of 3 DICOM datasets that you can play around with. Each of these 3 datasets have different attributes and shows how there can be a vast difference in what is contained in different DICOM datasets.

  • the SIIM_SMALL dataset ((250 DICOM files, ~30MB) is conveniently provided in the fastai library but is limited in some of its attributes for example it does not have RescaleIntercept or RescaleSlope and its pixel range is limited in the range of 0 and 255
  • Kaggle has an easily accessible (437MB) CT medical image dataset from the cancer imaging archive. The dataset consists of 100 images (512px by 512px) with pixel ranges from -2000 to +2000
#Load the dependancies
from fastai2.basics import *
from fastai2.callback.all import *
from fastai2.vision.all import *
from fastai2.medical.imaging import *

import pydicom
import seaborn as sns
matplotlib.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'bone'
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap

Loading DICOMs which have 1 frame per file

The SIIM_SMALL dataset is a DICOM dataset where each DICOM file has a pixel_array that contains 1 image. In this case the show function within fastai.medical.imaging conveniently displays the image

source = untar_data(URLs.SIIM_SMALL)
items = get_dicom_files(source)
patient1 = dcmread(items[0])

Loading an image from the CT medical image dataset which also contains 1 frame per DICOM file. This image is a slice of a CT scan looking at the lungs with the heart in the middle.

csource = Path('C:/PillView/NIH/data/dicoms')
citems = get_dicom_files(csource)
patient2 = dcmread(citems[0])

However what if a DICOM dataset has multiple frames per DICOM file

Loading DICOMs which have multiple frames per file

The Thyroid Segmentation in Ultrasonography Dataset is a dataset where each DICOMfile has multiple frames per file. Using the same format as above to view an image:

tsource = Path('C:/PillView/NIH/data/thyroid')
titems = get_dicom_files(tsource)
patient3 = dcmread(titems[0])

This will result in a TypeError because the current show function does not have a means of displaying files with multiple frames

type error

Customizing the show function now checks to see if the file contains more than 1 frame and then displays the image accordingly. You can also choose how many frames to view (the default is 1). It was also noted that the show_images function does not accept colormaps and hence that function also had to be slightly modified

#updating to handle colormaps
def show_images(ims, nrows=1, ncols=None, titles=None, cmap=None, **kwargs):
    "Show all images `ims` as subplots with `rows` using `titles`"
    if ncols is None: ncols = int(math.ceil(len(ims)/nrows))
    if titles is None: titles = [None]*len(ims)
    axs = subplots(nrows, ncols, **kwargs)[1].flat
    for im,t,ax in zip(ims, titles, axs): show_image(im, ax=ax, title=t, cmap=cmap)
#updating to handle multiple frames
@delegates(show_image, show_images)
def show(self:DcmDataset, frames=1, scale=True, cmap=plt.cm.bone, min_px=-1100, max_px=None, **kwargs):
    px = (self.windowed(*scale) if isinstance(scale,tuple)
          else self.hist_scaled(min_px=min_px,max_px=max_px,brks=scale) if isinstance(scale,(ndarray,Tensor))
          else self.hist_scaled(min_px=min_px,max_px=max_px) if scale
          else self.scaled_px)
    if px.ndim > 2: 
        p = px.shape; print(f'{p[0]} frames per file')
        for i in range(frames): u = px[i]; gh.append(u)
        show_images(gh, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)    
        print('1 frame per file')
        show_image(px, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
932 frames per file

The images now display the number of frames specified as well as how many frames there are in each file. It also now allows a cmap to be passed in.

patient3.show(10, cmap=plt.cm.ocean)
932 frames per file

This function also works when each DICOM file only has 1 frame

1 frame per file
Saving files from multiple frames

The Thyroid segmentation dataset is broken down into 2 folders each containing 16 .dcm files each. It would be good to know what the total number of frames are within the dataset.

For this we use a custom function to get the total number of frames in the dataset and how many frames there are in each file

def get_num_frames(source):
    """Get the number of frames in each DICOM"""
    """Some DICOMs have multiple frames and this function helps to find the total number of frames in a DICOM dataset """
    frame_list = []
    h = get_dicom_files(source)
    for i, path in enumerate(h):
        test_im = h[i]
        j = dcmread(test_im) 
            v = int(j.NumberOfFrames)
        sl = sum(frame_list); ll = L(frame_list)
    return sl, ll
(31304, (#33) [932,942,1058,1120,958,1064,1134,1060,928,892...])

In this case there are a total of 31304 frames within the dataset with each file having between 800 to 1100 frames. To view a range of frames:

gh = []
for i in range(0,100):
    u = patient3.pixel_array[i,:,:]
show_images(gh, nrows=10, ncols=10)

To save the frames into .jpg format you can use this function to extract frames from 1 file specifying the input source and the output

def get_frames(source, save_path):
    """extract frames from DICOM file and save into specified location"""
    h = get_dicom_files(source)
    test_im = h[0]
    j = dcmread(test_im)
        frame = int(j.NumberOfFrames)
        print(f'saving files in {save_path}')
        frame = 0
        print('file has no frames')
    for i in range(frame):
        u = j.pixel_array[i,:,:]
        im = Image.fromarray(u)
    return f'Number of frames saved: {frame}'
get_frames(tsource, tsource/'Test')
saving files in C:\PillView\NIH\data\thyroid\Test
'Number of frames saved: 932'

Another fastai function from_dicoms conveniently converts all the DICOM head attributes into a useable dataframe

t_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dicoms(titems)

Once converted you can now easily view various attributes about the dataset

#Plot 3 comparisons
def plot_comparison(df, feature, feature1, feature2):
    "Plot 3 comparisons from a dataframe"
    fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize = (16, 4))
    s1 = sns.countplot(df[feature], ax=ax1)
    s2 = sns.countplot(df[feature1], ax=ax2)
    s3 = sns.countplot(df[feature2], ax=ax3)
plot_comparison(t_df, 'PatientSex', 'Columns', 'Rows')

Viewing DICOM tag values

To view the tag values within the header you can use the dir() function


Its worth pointing out that there may be additional information (however not always the case) where there may be a tag for ImageComments. This tag may contain information that may be useful in the modelling. In this case not really useful information except that MeVisLab was used to probably generate the image


Understanding Tissue Densities

There are a couple of downsides to the SIMM_SLIM dataset because it does not have a number of attributes including RescaleIntercept and RescaleSlope and its pixel distribution is limited to between 0 and 255 pixels. In reality DICOM images have a far more wide-spread range of pixel values.

By using the CT medical image dataset we can now play around with other useful fastai.medical.imaging functionality.

patient2 is an image from this dataset

tensor_dicom = pixels(patient2) #convert into tensor

print(f'RescaleIntercept: {patient2.RescaleIntercept:1f}\nRescaleSlope: {patient2.RescaleSlope:1f}\nMax pixel: '
      f'{tensor_dicom.max()}\nMin pixel: {tensor_dicom.min()}\nShape: {tensor_dicom.shape}')
RescaleIntercept: -1024.000000
RescaleSlope: 1.000000
Max pixel: 1918.0
Min pixel: 0.0
Shape: torch.Size([512, 512])

In this image the RescaleIntercept is -1024, the RescaleSlope is 1, the max and min pixels are 1918 and 0 respectively and the image size is 512 by 512

Plotting a histogram of pixel intensities you can see where the bulk of pixels are located

plt.hist(tensor_dicom.flatten(), color='c')
(array([1.73881e+05, 1.82440e+04, 4.70700e+03, 3.24000e+03, 1.53940e+04,
        3.50250e+04, 7.98600e+03, 2.62500e+03, 8.99000e+02, 1.43000e+02]),
 array([   0. ,  191.8,  383.6,  575.4,  767.2,  959. , 1150.8, 1342.6,
        1534.4, 1726.2, 1918. ], dtype=float32),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

The histogram shows that the minimal pixel value is 0 and the maximum pixel value is 1918. The histogram is predominantly bi-modal with the majority of pixels between the 0 and 100 pixels and between 750 and 1100 pixels.

This image has a RescaleIntercept of -1024 and a RescaleSlope of 1. These two values allows for transforming pixel values into Hounsfield Units(HU). Densities of different tissues on CT scans are measured in HUs

Most CT scans range from -1000HUs to +1000HUs where water is 0HUs, air is -1000HUs and the denser the tissues the higher the HU value. Metals have a much higher HU range +2000HUs so for medical imaging a range of -1000 to +1000HUs is suitable

The pixel values above do not correctly correspond to tissue densities. For example most of the pixels are between pixel values 0 and 100 which correspond to water but this image is predominantly showing the lungs which are filled with air. Air on the Hounsfield scale is -1000 HUs.

This is where RescaleIntercept and RescaleSlope are important. Fastai provides a convenient way scaled_px to rescale the pixels with respect to RescaleIntercept and RescaleSlope.

rescaled pixel = pixel * RescaleSlope + RescaleIntercept

tensor_dicom_scaled = scaled_px(patient2) #convert into tensor taking RescaleIntercept and RescaleSlope into consideration
plt.hist(tensor_dicom_scaled.flatten(), color='c')
(array([1.73881e+05, 1.82440e+04, 4.70700e+03, 3.24000e+03, 1.53940e+04,
        3.50250e+04, 7.98600e+03, 2.62500e+03, 8.99000e+02, 1.43000e+02]),
 array([-1024. ,  -832.2,  -640.4,  -448.6,  -256.8,   -65. ,   126.8,
          318.6,   510.4,   702.2,   894. ], dtype=float32),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
print(f'Max pixel: {tensor_dicom_scaled.max()}\nMin pixel: {tensor_dicom_scaled.min()}')
Max pixel: 894.0
Min pixel: -1024.0

After re-scaling the maximum pixel value is 894 and the minimum value is -1024 and we can now correctly see what parts of the image correspond to what parts of the body based on the Hounsfield scale.

Looking at the top end of the histogram what does the image look like with values over 300 HUs?

The show function has the capability of specifying max and min values

patient2.show(max_px=894, min_px=300, figsize=(5,5))
1 frame per file

HU values above +300 typically will show the bone stuctures within the image

patient2.show(max_px=250, min_px=-250, figsize=(5,5))
1 frame per file

Within this range you can now see the aorta and the parts of the heart(image middle) as well as muscle and fat.

patient2.show(max_px=-250, min_px=-600, figsize=(5,5))
1 frame per file

In this range you just make out outlines. The histogram does show that within this range there are not many pixels

patient2.show(max_px=-600, min_px=-1000, figsize=(5,5))
1 frame per file

Within this range you can clearly see the bronchi within the lungs

patient2.show(max_px=-900, min_px=-1024, figsize=(5,5))
1 frame per file

At this range you can now also clearly see the curve of the scanner.

The show function by default has a max_px value of None and a min_px value of -1100

patient2.show(max_px=None, min_px=-1100, figsize=(5,5))
1 frame per file

Image re-scaling as done above is really for the benefit of humans. Computer screens can display about 256 shades of grey and the human eye is only capable of detecting about a 6% change in greyscale (ref) meaning the human eye can only detect about 17 different shades of grey.

DICOM images may have a wide range from -1000 to +1000 and for humans to be able to see relevant structures within the image a process of windowing is utilized. Fastai provides various dicom_windows so that only specific HU values are displayed on the screen. More about windowing can be found here


Where windowing is for the benefit of the human, computers produce better results from training when the data has a uniform distribution as mentioned in an article by Jeremy don't see like a radiologist

Looking back at the pixel distribution we can see that the image does not have a uniform distribution

plt.hist(tensor_dicom_scaled.flatten(), color='c')
(array([1.73881e+05, 1.82440e+04, 4.70700e+03, 3.24000e+03, 1.53940e+04,
        3.50250e+04, 7.98600e+03, 2.62500e+03, 8.99000e+02, 1.43000e+02]),
 array([-1024. ,  -832.2,  -640.4,  -448.6,  -256.8,   -65. ,   126.8,
          318.6,   510.4,   702.2,   894. ], dtype=float32),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

fastai has a function freqhist_hist that splits the range of pixel values into groups depending on what value you set for n_bins, such that each group has around the same number of pixels.

For example if you set n_bins to 1, the pixel values are split into 2 distinct pixel bins

ten_freq = tensor_dicom_scaled.freqhist_bins(n_bins=1)
fh = patient2.hist_scaled(ten_freq)
plt.hist(ten_freq.flatten(), color='c'); show_image(fh, figsize=(7,7))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x23dc63fbf48>

In this case you see the 2 polar sides of the image at -1000HUs you see the air portions and at 500HUs you see the bone structures clearly but the distribution is still not fully acceptable for the machine learning model.

with n_bins at 100(this is the default number used by show)

ten_freq2 = tensor_dicom_scaled.freqhist_bins(n_bins=100)
fh2 = patient2.hist_scaled(ten_freq2)
plt.hist(ten_freq2.flatten(), color='c'); show_image(fh2, figsize=(7,7))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x23dc4bb62c8>

with n_bins at 100000 the pixels are showing a more uniform distribution

ten_freq3 = tensor_dicom_scaled.freqhist_bins(n_bins=100000)
fh3 = patient2.hist_scaled(ten_freq3)
plt.hist(ten_freq3.flatten(), color='c'); show_image(fh3, figsize=(7,7))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x23db3a86848>

What effect does this have on training outcomes. That will be the topic of the next blog
